Sunday, August 8, 2010


A thought hit me recently (can't quite remember when or where) about various passages of scripture. It occurred to me that, when discussing some of the very most good and also evil of things, often the Lord personifies what He is talking about into a woman. For instance, on the evil side, we have the whore of all the earth and other such depictions of an evil woman to symbolize depravity and wickedness and the devil. On the other hand, the collective most righteous people in the world, Zion, is compared to a virtuous woman in beautiful and resplendent garments and is even the symbolic bride of the bridegroom, our Savior.

Maybe I'm looking too much into things, but I don't think it's coincidence that both the good and evil of the world are personified into women. In my experience, women have had the greatest influence in my life, both for good and for ill. Most of my greatest joys that involve other people involve women, and I'm not even a husband or father yet. At the same time, it has also been women who have caused more difficulty and hardship in my life than men.

To me, this is just another evidence that women are, on average, far more influential in the lives of most people than men. It's unfortunate to me that many fail to recognize this simply because it's more often men in positions of prominence in the world. However, I think in the more personal realms, positions of personal prominence are dominated by the fairer gender.

I'd be glad to hear any thoughts anyone has on the subject, whether you agree with my conclusions or not. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sir, I do so agree with your belief you have written in this blog entry.
