Monday, May 31, 2010


I recently watched again part of the funeral service for Gordon B. Hinckley, the former Prophet and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As I listened to President Thomas Monson's heartfelt farewell to one of his dearest friends and associates, some of his words brought back thoughts I'd had years ago. I'd observed that seemingly all the great men and women that preside in the labor of Christ's vineyard not only love and appreciate but truly adore their wonderful spouses. Of everyone I'd heard, among such an incredible group, President Hinckley seemed foremost among even them. I've never seen or heard a man speak so lovingly of his wife than he did on so many occasions.

The quote President Monson shared that got me thinking about this was the following. Speaking of his wife, President Hinckley said, "I am so grateful for her. For 66 years we have walked together, hand in hand, with love and encouragement, with appreciation and respect. It cannot be very long before one of us will step through the veil. I hope the other will follow soon. I just would not know how to get along without her, even on the other side, and I would hope that she would not know how to get along without me."

President Monson continued, "Within six months, his beloved Marjorie had stepped through the veil. He missed her every day, every moment. What a glorious reunion they have now had."

What a tremendous example. From reading Sister Hinckley's autobiography, my mom shared with me that, in their marriage, the Hinckleys had their ups and downs just like everyone else. Sometimes they got on each others' nerves. But they loved each other with everything that they were.

How did they do it? On another occasion, President Hinckley stated, "True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well-being of one's companion."

I think that both of the Hinckleys lived by that idea. By being selfless and forgiving and caring about each other, they built a life together that stands and shines with the greatest of any mortal men and women that have ever lived.

Click here for the link to the address from which President Hinckley's quote about his wife was taken. It was an address to the women of the Church.

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