Monday, February 22, 2010


I had a couple of strange dreams last night. I would almost consider them nightmares, but not quite. To me, a dream has to be exceptionally bad for it to be considered a nightmare.

What was so bizarre as to make me write about them was that, in both of the dreams, I wasn't the kind of person that I think I am. This is a fairly common occurrence for me. In one, I was more of a pansy and more prone to run away or avoid from the problem in the dream rather than to face it. In the other, I was the "bad guy."

The first struck me as odd because I'm much more likely to try to deal with a problem as soon as possible, even when it's better to be left alone. For instance, when I'm given a project to work on, I typically prefer to set aside eight hours and just get it done rather than work two hours a day and finish it within a week. Setting things aside or even avoiding them altogether just doesn't go with who I am. This is especially true in dangerous situations, as I'd rather deal with the problem or person than try to run away from it or them.

The second was even more strange because I can't be a bad person, even in pretend situations. If a role in a play, program, game, or anything else calls for me to pretend to be evil, I can hardly do it. Even fake evil bugs me. Something inside of me just recoils at hurting people or committing crime, regardless whether it's made up or real. That my mind could conjure the idea up of me participating in things that my waking mind finds so repulsive is kind of troubling.

I'm at a loss as to why I have different personalities in my dreams than I do while I'm awake. I'm curious if other people have the same thing happen to them. Maybe it's just a natural part of being human. Maybe I'm just a weirdo. I wouldn't rule the latter out. :)

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